Saturday, December 19, 2009

Added tweeter feed to homepage @

Something I've wanted for awhile, and now that it's slow, I've have the time to do the updates to the site that I've wanted to. My last post went over the updated UI, now I've added another testimonial to the flash movie and have FINALY added my twitter feed to the home page. I wanted to do this for two reason, one it shows potential clients my abilities and it help with SEO. Two birds, one stone.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Updated UI on

Got tired of the text links on the site, wanted to do something different. The new buttons are modeled off of old cash register numbers, when each number was on its own metal plate, before any type of electrical readout. The same but different, check it out if you get a chance.


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Friday, December 11, 2009

Some Really Nice Mac Websites

Came across this site looking for some web inspiration. All the sites were designed Mac app sites.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

To Use Templates or Not To Use Templates

As a graphic artist selling my services of web design, is it right or wrong to use templates on a customers site? I guess I ask this question because there are many free web templates available for free, which can save me time when coding a job which in turn makes the job more profitable for me.

If the client still receives a product that meets their demands, and even saves them some money, that's good. If I can save time by not having to trouble shoot code, that's good. If I can learn from other's code, that's good.

I think my dilemma comes from the fact that as a graphic artist and web developer, am I cheating by using someone else's code? Not necessarily I think, as long as I don't sell the site as my own by throwing it in my portfolio or delete the creators link off of the site and try to claim it on my own, I see nothing wrong with it. I am still very capable of design sites, which I still do, and I am still very capable of coding them, which I still do.

Templates are just another tool in a large tool box we graphic designers have. It help me be more efficient, it allows me to learn a lot from other's work, and it helps out my fellow designer by linking back to their site.

Steve @ thisHero Designs

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