Monday, March 8, 2010

My Kingdom for some wheels!

So with the new Camaro clip, I needed to locate some Chevy rims to fit on the front end. My first thought was that I would just run down to Pick N Pull and find some, but before I could go down there, I told my brother, some friends and my soon to be father-in-law. Well my father-in-law says he has a set of 4 Chevy rims in his garage that he would love to give to me, the only problem was he wouldn't be down for two weeks. Well, I'll wait for two weeks for some free rims I figure.

Well two weeks goes by and he drops the rims off last Wednesday, I'm as happy as a clam, I'll get to get some real work done this weekend. The first thing I wanted to do was take two of the rims with the worse tires down to the used tire place to have them replaced with tires the size I want (215/75-15) for the front. So on Thursday I run them out to Riverbank and talk to the owner, and he says he knows he has one tire in the size I'm looking for, but if I come back in the afternoon, he's sure the can find a second one.

So later in the afternoon I drive back out to Riverbank and find the owner, and he of course didn't have time to look, but he would do it right then, so he disappears for about 10 minutes, then comes back with more bad luck, he doesn't have another tire in my size, but then looking at the rim, he says, "you know those are Chevy truck rims, right?" What? So he measures the rim and sure enough, it's a 5 on 5.5", Chevy truck!

Dang it! Now I four wheels in my backyard that I have no use for, plus I still need two wheels for that Camaro front end. BTW, Chevy car is 5 on 4.75". So I ask the guy and he says he can look around, give him a call tomorrow (Friday). Well Friday shows up and I end up having a couple of free hours so I drive down to Turlock, because I've been told of a great used tire place that could help me out. When I get down there and I talk to the guy, he has no steel rims, the city told him to get rid of all his extra's so he through them all out two weeks ago. Dang it! Plus if I did have the rims, he doesn't have the tire size I'm looking for anyways. So hmmmm...

I decide I'll go to a junk yard and see if they have some rims. Once there I tell the guy I want some plain stock steel rims that'll fit a '77 Camaro. "Camaro?" he says, "No, I don't have anything like that" and I tell him it doesn't have to come from a Camaro, just need to fit a Camaro, so without looking or doing a thing he decides he has NOTHING in his yard that will work for me. So I go to another junk yard, and I get the same response. I figure that they are just being lazy because they won't get enough money to spend their time finding the rims I want.

So I head back up to Riverbank to see if the first guy had any luck and no, no luck there either. So time is ticking away, I have other things I need to do, so I decide I'll run over to Pick N Pull real quick and see what they have... And sure enough, a '78 Monte Carlo with 15" steel rims AND 215/75-15 tires on them. $30 for both. Should have gone there before I talked to anyone I guess.