Tuesday, May 25, 2010

At Long Last - An Update

Well, since I've last been on, I got married, hence the pause in production. Well, tired of waiting for other people to do my work for me, last Sunday I finally went back down to Turlock to work on Mator. So first thing I did, cut off the front of the Ford frame, then Frank and I spent most of the day measuring, checking our measures and cutting. While we're not there yet, it should be just one more day then we'll be ready to weld the Camaro clip onto the truck. So far I must say I'm pleased with how it's going. I know there is a lot that can go wrong, and many different ways we can screw this up, but we're taking our time, talking lots of measurements, talking a lot about what we want to do, then proceeding. Hopefully next week I'll feel as confident about the whole procedure.