Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lots of Web Goodies to Help Your Site become Web 2.0 Compliant

Boy where do I start. There are so many Internet technologies that it's hard to keep track of them all, so it's always good to be talking to people about web solutions. Over the last couple of days I've had a couple of good conversations with people that I must share.

Twitter Widgets. I guess this is the easiest one, but I found a widget on Twitter's web site that allows you to feed your "tweets" directly to a webpage. This is a great way of keeping your site up to date without really doing anything, as well as give new avenues of networking. Right now I have a working example on a site I'm working on, check it out here: At the present time it has my own twitter feed tied into his site, but by the time the site is done, I'll have set-up a Twitter account for him and it will have his feed.

WebYep is a compact Web Content Management System. It's a very simple program that allows clients to edit their pages in a very simple way without a lot of coding. In fact it does have a Dreamweaver plug-in so in reality you don't have to do any program. The beauty of this is that people who don't know web programming have a simple method for updating their site with the simplicity of using a word program. WebYep has security features so not just anyone can log-in and make changes. You can find out more here:

Finally I found out about JW Players. It's basically a flash player, with optional skins so you can give it a custom look. It's used in a very similar way as YouTube without having to post the videos to YouTube, a better way of controlling your content and your audience. I like the ideal of that. Find out more here:

All good stuff to help your site become Web 2.0 compliant and give you an edge on your competition. Need to know more? Give me a call and I'll gladly discuss it with you.


Posted via web from thisherodesigns's posterous

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