Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Give Thanks

John, owner of Storage Auction Experts has me add quotes to his website every month, and one quote that has been sticking around my head is, "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed-Michael Jordan"

I've been thinking about this quote because I've been on quite a few new client meetings in the last few weeks and for one reason or another I did not get the job. And while I can easily let this get me down, I choose to be thankful for the jobs I do get, for the ongoing relationships with existing clients and for the great year thisHero Designs has had in spite of these stumbling blocks.

Let's be thankful for what we do have in these times, because it could always be a lot worse.


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Monday, November 16, 2009

Time with the 57 Ford F100

My brother and I went down to Turlock on Sunday to look at the pitman arm situation, and for fun I started putting the front clip together well know I'll need to take it back apart for paint, but I'm really interested in how she's going to sit. So after Rob was doing what he needed to do we put the clip on, the bed on and through one of the doors on so we could get a full visual. Looks pretty good. I'd like to see the front end come down some more, it's sitting a little too level for me. I know we have an option of moving the rear end up, but I'd rather see it lower in the front then anything. Right now the front tires are 225/75 15's so I think if I change them (just the front) to 215/65 15's that will definitely help. Not sure how much, but it's the cheapest, easiest way to do it, I have enough money in that front end, I don't really want to spend anymore.

So next weekend I'll go down and take it all apart again. The rolling chassis has an appointment with the guy that did the c-notch. I need to work out the motor mount at this time. As it is, with the lowering the motor mount is about a quarter an inch away from the straight axle, and that just won't fly. So I need to take care of that, maybe if I'm lucky have him construct a new transmission mount and then I'll be ready to putting body parts on for real.

Let's hope we can get the motor mounts taken care of rather quickly!

Friday, November 6, 2009

57 Ford f100 Illustration

Wanting to work on "Shop Truck" logo I decided the first thing I needed to do was create a illustration of the truck, so here it is. Turned out pretty good I think, there's some lines I'm not sure about, but there's still time. I don't remember the magazine, but there's a hot rod magazine out there that uses this type of illustration for vehicles throughout and I just really liked the style. Not that they have a corner on this style, I just thought it would be cool to get 'ole Mator in this style, plus I may be able to use it in the future, as in next years Cru-Zin in the Vineyards t-shirt.

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57 Ford F100 Illustration

Wanting to work on "Shop Truck" logo I decided the first thing I needed to do was create a illustration of the truck, so here it is. Turned out pretty good I think, there's some lines I'm not sure about, but there's still time. I don't remember the magazine, but there's a hot rod magazine out there that uses this type of illustration for vehicles throughout and I just really liked the style. Not that they have a corner on this style, I just thought it would be cool to get 'ole Mator in this style, plus I may be able to use it in the future, as in next years Cru-Zin in the Vineyards t-shirt.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

thisHero Designs. To Help Small Business with their Marketing Needs

I was talking to a client the other day about an ad we were preparing. One of the things I noticed during this conversation, was his desire to really take it to the nationwide brands. His major competitors are Home Depot and Lowe's, which of course have a huge advantage because of their size. But is that really an advantage? My client does not need to compete nationwide against them, just locally, which of course means his message can be customized to the local audience. His message does not need to be generic appealing to the entire nation, but can connect with the local population.

Over the last year we have slowly been adjusting his message and style to be very effective, allowing him to take business from Home Depot and Lowe's. Sure he'll never put them out of business, but if he can steal some of their business, it's all the better for him.

How can I help you find your personal style and take business away from your nationwide competitor?

Steve Craig | graphic design for print and web

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