Thursday, November 5, 2009

thisHero Designs. To Help Small Business with their Marketing Needs

I was talking to a client the other day about an ad we were preparing. One of the things I noticed during this conversation, was his desire to really take it to the nationwide brands. His major competitors are Home Depot and Lowe's, which of course have a huge advantage because of their size. But is that really an advantage? My client does not need to compete nationwide against them, just locally, which of course means his message can be customized to the local audience. His message does not need to be generic appealing to the entire nation, but can connect with the local population.

Over the last year we have slowly been adjusting his message and style to be very effective, allowing him to take business from Home Depot and Lowe's. Sure he'll never put them out of business, but if he can steal some of their business, it's all the better for him.

How can I help you find your personal style and take business away from your nationwide competitor?

Steve Craig | graphic design for print and web

Posted via email from thisherodesigns's posterous

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